
How To Pack For A Move: The Bathroom

fragile items on bathroom counter

When it comes to packing for a move, the best approach is simple: one room at a time. One of the most complicated rooms to think about is the bathroom. Though small compared to most other rooms, the bathroom is filled with a variety of small sized items, liquids, breakables, electric tools, etc., proving it to be an intricate process. It’s also the place in the home where things can easily be forgotten, where old products and medicine get forgotten and pile up. 

Though the task may seem daunting, but break up the process into small steps and packing up the bathroom will be much easier than you may think. Read through these simple tips on how to pack up the bathroom for your upcoming move:

1. Sort and Categorize.

To set yourself up for success, the first task is to pull out everything from cabinets, shelves, shower shelves, and linen closets and sort everything out into categories. The main categories include:

  • Hair products
  • Cosmetics
  • Appliances and accessories
  • Feminine and paper products
  • Toiletries
  • Medicine
  • Towels and linens
  • Cleaning supplies and miscellaneous chemicals
hair products on bathroom counter

2. Purge.

Now that you have everything sorted, it’s time to purge! Decide if the item is appropriate to donate, or needs to be tossed.

Things that you might consider unnecessary include:

  • Almost empty shampoo bottles
  • Duplicate items
  • Expired makeup or medicine
  • Old towels/rags

3. Pack your essentials.

Before you start piling the remaining items into boxes, be sure to pull out the items you’ll need for a few days during the move. Pack a bag for everyone in the household with all the essentials they’ll need. When putting the bags together, think of the things you would pack when going on vacation. (P.S. Don’t forget deodorant!) 

This is the trickiest part of packing – the timing. You want to make sure you don’t wait until the last minute, then you’ll feel stressed and rushed, which will only create more anxiety for you and an untidy packing job. But you don’t want to pack too soon, because bathroom items are typically used on a daily basis, and it’s not very enjoyable to go without them.

using bubble wrap to pack fragile item

4. Line your boxes.

Here’s a tip! Use your towels, rags, and other soft bathroom items to pad the perimeter of the box to create extra padding. Add in a few layers of packing paper for added protection.

5. Use padding for extra fragile things.

Now is the time to wrap all breakable or fragile items with bubble wrap and/or layers of paper. Ceramics, glass or extra fragile pieces should have some sort of extra protection. This includes any décor, like vases or picture frames.

If you plan on moving your mirror, first wrap the item with a layer of packing paper. Then layer custom sized cardboard pieces on top and tape them on. If you need multiple layers, do so. Finally, add a layer of large bubble wrap to prevent any unwanted breakage.

6. Secure your liquids.

The last thing you want as you unpack in your new home is to open a box filled with leaked shampoo all over everything. Just another reason making packing the bathroom up all the more complicated.

Gather your used liquids, unscrew their caps and place plastic wrap over the opening. Place the cap back on the bottle. For extra protection, put your liquids in a ziploc bag to ensure no spillages occur.

7. Get to packing!

Finally! After all that prep work, now it’s time to pack up your bathroom items into your pre-padded boxes. Try to keep the categories established in step one together as you add to the boxes, which will make unpacking a lot easier. Don’t forget to label the boxes, which will help make your unpacking process much easier!

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If the thought of packing your way through your home room by room feels overwhelming, consider taking advantage of your local moving company packing services that they offer. We can provide a free estimate to help give you an idea of how much to budget for any additional services that might help make your move smooth as butter.

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