
Moving Prep: What To Do Before Your Move

If you’ve moved recently or are about to move, you already know that the list of things to do seems to go on forever! Of course, getting organized, purging your belongings, and packing are the main things that come to mind. But, a lot more prep work needs to be done when you’re moving houses.

People tend to skip over tons of tasks when mentally preparing for a move. Many of these things are best done long before moving day. If you’re getting ready to move in the next few months, keep reading so that you know what to put on your to-do list before the big day!

The Administrative Tasks

Most people stress about packing and the actual move, but there is a lot of administrative prep work you need to think about as well. For starters, you need to update everyone with your new address. This includes friends and families, of course, but also important organizations like the bank. You’ll also want to contact the post office to set up a forwarding address. Finally, think of any critical mail you receive regularly and ensure the sender is updated with your new address.

laptop packing list for move

The list of places where you’ll need to update your address is seemingly endless. Don’t forget your driver’s license, insurance and registrations, subscription services, and memberships. But it’s not just about your address. Make sure important documents are stored in a safe place. Keep documents relating to the move in a folder, so they’re easy to access when you need them.

You will also need to either cancel or transfer all of your utility services. Depending on how far away you’re moving, this could be as easy as updating an address online. You will likely need to cancel your current provider and set up a new one in your new home for cross-country moves.

Get Your Move Organized

If you’ve read our blogs before, you know there is one thing we always say – get organized and do it early! You never want to wait until the last minute when moving. By making a plan before moving day, things will sail much smoother on the big day.

Make to-do lists on a Google Drive document so that all the family members can see it and check things off as they are completed. Many resources online offer checklists that you can use to create a customized prep list to fit your needs. 

As you start to pack, make sure to label boxes with their contents. Some people even like to take a picture to know exactly what’s in each box. Create an inventory as you pack so that you can keep track of any items that may be potentially lost or stolen.

packing boxes in a moving truck

Everything should be packed, disassembled, and ready to be loaded onto the truck before moving day. Don’t leave small tasks for the day of because this slows things down. Take all large pieces of furniture apart and store away hardware with labels and directions for reassembly. Get as much of the house clean as you can so that once all the boxes are out, you’ll only need to do a final walk-through.

Hire the Right Movers

The difference between a nightmare moving day and an absolute breeze often comes down to hiring the right movers. Summit Moving Co. has the professional experience to walk you through your move and make it as painless as possible. Whether you just want help with the heavy lifting or want professional movers to handle packing from start to finish, we will get you an estimate to start your moving prep today!

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